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Can not determine payment method in asp.net core

I actually wanted to make a payment gateway (Braintree) using asp.net core for testing purposes.but problem is transaction has not happened in Braintree.

Here is my code:-

 public interface IBraintreeService
        IBraintreeGateway CreateGateway();
        IBraintreeGateway GetGateway();


 public class BraintreeService : IBraintreeService
        private readonly IConfiguration _config;

        public BraintreeService(IConfiguration config)
            _config = config;

        public IBraintreeGateway CreateGateway()
            var newGateway = new BraintreeGateway()
                Environment = Braintree.Environment.SANDBOX,
                MerchantId = _config.GetValue<string>("BraintreeGateway:MerchantId"),
                PublicKey = _config.GetValue<string>("BraintreeGateway:PublicKey"),
                PrivateKey = _config.GetValue<string>("BraintreeGateway:PrivateKey")

            return newGateway;

        public IBraintreeGateway GetGateway()
            return CreateGateway();



 public class HomeController : Controller
        private readonly IBraintreeService _braintreeService;

        public HomeController(IBraintreeService braintreeService)
            _braintreeService = braintreeService;

        public IActionResult Index()
            var gateway = _braintreeService.GetGateway();
            var clientToken = gateway.ClientToken.Generate();
            ViewBag.ClientToken = clientToken;

            return View();
        public IActionResult Create()
            var gateway = _braintreeService.GetGateway();

            var request = new TransactionRequest
                Amount = 24,
                PaymentMethodNonce = "hi",
                Options = new TransactionOptionsRequest
                    SubmitForSettlement = true

            Result<Transaction> result = gateway.Transaction.Sale(request);

            if (result.IsSuccess())
                return View("Success");

            return View();

Home->Index view

<div class="text-center">
        <div class="bt-drop-in-wrapper">
            <div id="bt-dropin"></div>
        <a asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Create">Confirm Payment</a>

<script src="https://js.braintreegateway.com/web/dropin/1.22.0/js/dropin.min.js"></script>
    var client_token = "@ViewBag.ClientToken";

            authorization: client_token,
            container: '#bt-dropin'



Here is my output in index view:-


When i click Confirm Payment ,the create method of transacton was not succeeded.like


I already check my public key/ private key etc. I don't understand how I solve this, and how the transaction will succeed. can it's have another way?. please help.

Try like this in your index view.before this, you have to create a model for the Nonce property.

@model YourProjectName.Models.YourModelName

<form id="payment-form"  asp-action="Create" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="container ml-5">

@Html.HiddenFor(n => n.Nonce, new { @id = "nonce" })


<input type="submit" value="Confirm Payment" asp-action="Create" asp-controller="Home" class="btn btn-outline-dark form-control" />


and your controller will be

 public IActionResult Create(YourModelName model)
            var gateway = _braintreeService.GetGateway();

            var request = new TransactionRequest
                Amount = 24,
                PaymentMethodNonce = model.Nonce,
                Options = new TransactionOptionsRequest
                    SubmitForSettlement = true

            Result<Transaction> result = gateway.Transaction.Sale(request);

            if (result.IsSuccess())
                return View("Success");

            return View();

Just update your code like above.hope it will resolve your issue.

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