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Sending gmail mail with Nodemailer

I am trying to set up email forwarder for gmail with Nodemailer, but I want reliable and simple authentication process. Idea is to user simply provides email and pass without need to mess with allowing less secure apps option or using OAuth2.

I guess solution would be to make google see my app as secure one, but how do I achieve it?

I have saw similar services asking user to "Send email on your behalf", how can I apply that?

Am I using wrong technology to achieve this?

Any advice would be welcome.

Thank you!

You need to generate App Password in Google ( Sign in with App Passwords )

Then create a transporter using following configuration

const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    "host": "gsmtp.gmail.com",
    "port": 587,
    "service": "gmail",
    "secure": false,
    "auth": { 
        "user": "<email>",  // your gmail address
        "pass": "********"  // app password
    "debug": false,
    "logger": true,
    "tls": {
        "rejectUnauthorized": false

Then use that transporter to send mails from nodemailer:

    to:         'target@example.com',
    from:       `Source <source@email.com>`,
    subject:    `Testing Nodemailer with Gmail`,
    text:       `Hi there! This email is being sent from a Node.JS app using gmail`

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