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Making a stacked bar using different columns in PowerBI

Hi I'm Trying to take data in PowerBI that looks like this


It basically has several columns with reason for call and the length of time in each one - the time varies

Reason1 Reason2 Reason3
--       30 secs   30 secs
60 secs   1 min    ----
---       2 min    ----

I need a graph that shows each of these reason split by the length of calls


thank you (I am also an amateur at PBI so be gentle)

You need to flatten your table into a two column layout. Edit the data source in the Query editor. Starting out, it may look like this: 在此处输入图片说明

Select all columns and click the Unpivot Columns command in the Transform ribbon. Now your data looks like this:


Rename "Attribute" to "Category" and rename "Value" to "Time Frame". Filter the Time Frame column and untick Blanks.


Close and apply the query.

Now you can build a stacked horizontal bar chart. Put "Category" on the Axis and drag "Time Frame" into the values. Since it is text, it will be aggregated with a Count. Drag "Time Frame" into the legend to give each time frame its own colour. Viola!


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