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How to use kubernetes sealed secrets with helm templates

I just came across the sealed secrets tool https://github.com/bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets for encrypting secrets in kubernetes with added benefits of being able to commit those to git

I am a bit disappointed that such a great tool did not address helm templates by default or as part of the official documentation. I mean for a tool like that, i am not sure if the developers thought of the different ways people use secrets in which helm charts is a great way where we use values template files for different environment.

Anyways here is my setup


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: demo-app
type: Opaque
  ENV1: "{{ .Values.ENV1 | b64enc }}"
  ENV2: "{{ .Values.ENV2 | b64enc }}"
  ENV3: "{{ .Values.ENV3 | b64enc }}"

here are the values template files for DEV and PROD for example


  name: demo-app
  replicaCount: 1
    repository: example/demo-app
    tag: latest
    pullPolicy: Always

# secrets
ENV1: 'dev_4rlmerl4om3o'
ENV2: 'dev_eom4om4odl4o'
ENV3: 'dev_38hdineoij4oj3onod4ncen3eiixnknnkejnslrmnomntrcoenkc'


  name: demo-app
  replicaCount: 1
    repository: example/demo-app
    tag: 1.0.0
    pullPolicy: Always

# secrets
ENV1: 'prod_4rlmerl4om3o'
ENV2: 'prod_eom4om4odl4o'
ENV3: 'prod_38hdineoij4oj3onod4ncen3eiixnknnkejnslrmnomntrcoenkc'

Here is how i deploy the application


helm upgrade --install demo-app-dev --namespace team1 -f values-dev.yaml .


helm upgrade --install demo-app-prod --namespace team1 -f values-prod.yaml .

I am trying to use sealed secrets with this scenario but not able to figure out how to without changing my whole structure completely.

you can generate the values_{ENV}.yaml dynamically rather you maintain it and you can delete after the deployments. So next CICD/build will generate for different apps the same

If you want to use sealed secret with helm, you need to update the helm chart and create one new YAML template

apiVersion: bitnami.com/v1alpha1
kind: SealedSecret
  name: mysecret
  namespace: mynamespace
    foo: "{{ .Values.ENV1 }}"

so the template will create the sealed secret from values.yaml and K8s secret will get auto-created as mentioned in the documentation of the sealed secrets.

For a different environment, you can generate the values_{ENV}.yaml file. use it as you are doing now with values-dev.yaml and values-prod.yaml


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