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Lagrange Polynomial

How to display coefficient of Lagrange function coefficients without rounding, without 10** or e form. At least monitor 30 decimals. ex f.coef array([ 2.81360229e-12, -4.65044643e-09, 3.40515245e-06, -1.44970799e-03, 3.95473792e-01, -7.16863569e+01, 8.63439193e+03, -6.66353490e+05,2.98987993e+07, -5.94258275e+08]) but I need at least 30 decimals thanks

If those are floats , then you're going to have 16 digits of precision at most. You're interested in the Python decimal package. It's part of standard Python, and a quick start can be found in the official docs .

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