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How to pass props to child component in vue

I have a parent component where I am doing the API call and getting the response. So what I am trying to do is pass this response as a prop to child component in Vue. So here is my parent component and the call:

<button class="btn button col-2" @click="addToCart()">
  Add to cart
addToCart: function () {
  let amount = this.itemsCount !== "" ? this.itemsCount : 1;
  if(this.variationId != null) {
    this.warningMessage = false;
    cartHelper.addToCart(this.product.id, this.variationId, amount, (response) => {
      this.cartItems = response.data.attributes.items;
  } else {
    this.warningMessage = true;

So I want to pass this "this.cartItems" to the child component which is:

        class="dropdown-menu cart"
        <div class="inner-cart">
            <div v-for="item in cart" :key="item.product.id">

                <div class="cart-items">
                        <strong>{{ item.product.name }}</strong>
                        <br/> {{ item.quantity }} x $45
                        <a class="remove" @click.prevent="removeProductFromCart(item.product)">Remove</a>
            <div class="cart-items-total">
                <span>Total: {{cartTotalPrice}}</span>
                <a href="#" @click.prevent="clearCartItems()">Clear Cart</a>
            <router-link :to="{name: 'order'}" class="btn button-secondary">Go To Cart</router-link>


export default {
    computed: {

    methods: {


So I am quite new in vue if you can help me with thi, I would be really glad.

 Vue.component('Child', { template: ` <div class=""> <p>{{ childitems }}</p> </div> `, props: ['childitems'] }) new Vue({ el: '#demo', data() { return { items: [] } }, methods: { getItems() { //your API call setTimeout(() => { this.items = [1, 2] }, 2000); } } }) Vue.config.productionTip = false Vue.config.devtools = false
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script> <div id="demo"> <button @click="getItems">get data</button> <Child v-if="items.length" :childitems="items" /> </div>

You can wait for response, and when you gate this.cartItems then render your child component with a v-if="this.cartItems.length" condition

Passing props is quite simple. If cartItems is what you wan´t to pass as a prop, you can do this:

<my-child-component :cartItems="cartItems"></my-child-component>

In this case you implemented your child as myChildComponent . You pass cartItems with :cartItems="cartItems" to it. In your child you do this:

props: {
    cartItems: Object

Now you can use it with this.cartItems in your methods or {{cartItems}} in your themplate.

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