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Mongoose Export and Import MongoDB Documents to/from File

Using JavaScript and Mongoose, I want to export all of the documents of a certain document class to a file (eg, a JSON or CSV file), and I also want to import (ie, "load") the contents of such a file into a database. How can I accomplish this?

From mongoDB docs:


To backup data from a mongod instance running on the same machine and on the default port of 27017, use the following command:


You can also specify the --host and --port of the MongoDB instance that the mongodump should connect to. For example:

mongodump --host=mongodb.example.net --port=27017

mongodump will write BSON files that hold a copy of data accessible via the mongod listening on port 27017 of the mongodb.example.net host. See Create Backups from Non-Local mongod Instances for more information.

To specify a different output directory, you can use the --out or -o option:

mongodump --out=/data/backup/


To use mongorestore to connect to an active mongod, use a command with the following prototype form:

mongorestore --port=<port number> <path to the backup>

Consider the following example:

mongorestore dump-2013-10-25/

MongoDB Docs: Check

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