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How to get the not applied jobs in the job table laravel

$joblist = JobDetail::join('candidates', 'job_details.id', '=', 'candidates.job_detail_id')
    ->where('candidates.user_id', Auth::id())
    ->where('candidates.job_detail_id', null)

SELECT job_details.* 
FROM job_details 
LEFT JOIN candidates 
ON job_details.id = candidates.job_detail_id 
WHERE candidates.job_detail_id IS NULL AND candidates.user_id = Auth::id()

This SQL query is not working.
I want to get the jobs that user didn't apply

jobs and users mapping table - candidate table

job details table

Consider fetching jobList from the candidate table :

$joblist = candidates::leftjoin('JobDetail','candidates.job_detail_id','job_details.id')

------------job details model---------------

public function candidates(){
     return $this->hasMany(candidate::class);

------------controller logic---------------

$userId = Auth::id();

$joblist = JobDetail:: whereDoesntHave('candidates', function ($query) use ($userId){ 
     $query->where('user_id', $userId); 

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