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Laravel - Vue js application not showing data properly

working with Vue js and Laravel REST API. database is mysql. but when try show ContactList it is not displaying here.. web.php

Route::prefix('api')->group(function() {
    //get contact


class ContactController extends Controller
    public function getContacts() {
        $contacts = Contact::all();
        return $contacts;


  <tbody v-for="contact in contacts" :key="contact.id">
                    <th scope="row">{{ contact.id}}</th>
                    <td>{{ contact.name}}</td>
                    <td>{{ contact.email}}</td>
                    <td>{{ contact.designation}}</td>
                    <td>{{ contact.contact_no}}</td>
                    <td><button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm">Delete</button></td>



export default {
    created() {

    methods: {
        loadData() {
            let url = this.url + '/api/getContacts';
            this.axios.get(url).then(response => {
                this.contacts = response.data
        mounted() {
            console.log('Contact List Component Mounted');
        data() {
            return {
                url: document.head.querySelector('meta[name="url"]').content,

console displaying following error **[Vue warn]: Property or method "contacts" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property. See: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Declaring-Reactive-Properties .

found in

---> at resources/js/components/ContactList.vue **

In Laravel Side send response in a proper format

 $contacts = Contact::all();
 $data['contacts'] =  $contacts;

 return response()->json(['status' => true, 'message' => 'Contacts collected', 'data' => $data]);

Vue.js Side

let url = this.url + '/api/getContacts';
  this.axios.get(url).then(response => {
  this.contacts = response.data.data.contacts

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