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After cancelling the purchase made by google play billing processing the purchase query shows purchase state as 1 in the loop

I have purchased and cancelled the order. So it got refunded. After the refund the purchaseState is in 0 (UNSPECIFIED_STATE). Hereafter cancellation of the purchaseQuerySkus return the state as 0.

But the for loop returns the value as 1 for getPurchaseState.

But while processing it satisfying the condition. It is weird.

List returns for me [Purchase.Json: {
        "orderId": "orderID",
        "packageName": "com.android.app",
        "productId": "in_app",
        "purchaseTime": 29323923232,
        "purchaseState": 0,
        "purchaseToken": "weorehrhjewrhewirhewiruhewfbewfbweuyfbwehfbweyfbwefbwefweuyfhweyufhwe",
        "quantity": 1,
        "acknowledged": true


     private List<Purchase> purchaseQuerySkus;
    private void queryPurchasesAsync() {
            if(mBillingClient.isReady()) {
                LogUtils.LOGI(TAG, "queryPurchasesAsync");
                billingClient.queryPurchasesAsync(BillingClient.SkuType.INAPP, new PurchasesResponseListener() {
                    public void onQueryPurchasesResponse(@NonNull BillingResult billingResult, @NonNull List<Purchase> list) {
                        LogUtils.LOGI(TAG, "queryPurchasesAsync list" + list);
                        purchaseQuerySkus = list;
    Checking the purchase is already made or not after the cancellation. It returning the purchaseState as 0. But the print values shows as 1.
     if (billingClient.isReady()) {
                    LogUtils.LOGI(TAG, "QUE_PUR_LIST_SIZE " + purchaseQuerySkus.size()); 
                    //It returns the size of the list as 1
                    for (Purchase pur : purchaseQuerySkus) {
                        String thisSku = pur.getSkus().get(0); //my sku value
                        LogUtils.LOGI(TAG, "pur.getPurchase state " + pur.getPurchaseState()); //It prints the value as 1 
But the returned list has the purchaseState as 0 which I have added above.
                        // So it satisfying the condition and showing the item was purchased
                        if (pur.getPurchaseState() == Purchase.PurchaseState.PURCHASED) {
                       // Acknowledging the user if purchased



I know I'm a bit late for the party but stil... This also surprised me. It's because list is using toString() to show elements which in turns uses original json and purchaseState from json isn't directly matched with Purchase.PurchaseState enum. If you checkout Purchase.class file there you'll find this enum:

    public @interface PurchaseState {
        int UNSPECIFIED_STATE = 0;
        int PURCHASED = 1;
        int PENDING = 2;

and if you check Purchase.getPurchaseState() you'll see how it's converting purchaseState from json int to Purchase.PurchaseState enum. Please note that by default it's picking purchased state and it looks like Purchase.PurchaseState.UNSPECIFIED_STATE from java class is never used.

public int getPurchaseState() {
        switch(this.zzc.optInt("purchaseState", 1)) {
        case 4:
            return 2;
            return 1;

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