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How to make visible the images in the gallery after insertion in the internal storage?

I just inserted some pictures in my internal storage but they aren't visible in the gallery then.

Can someone explain me why?

Here is my code :

File photosFolder = new File(getContext().getExternalFilesDir(null),"myPictures");

        String[] pictures = null;

        try {
            pictures = assetManager.list("photos");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.e("tag", "Failed to get asset file list.", e);
        for(String filename : pictures) {
            InputStream in = null;
            OutputStream out = null;
            try {
                in = assetManager.open("photos/"+filename);
                File outFile = new File(photosFolder, filename);
                out = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
                copyFile(in, out);
                in = null;
                out = null;
            } catch(IOException e) {
                Log.e("tag", "Failed to copy asset file: " + filename, e);

Give this a try:

      File photosFolder = new File(getContext().getExternalFilesDir(null),"myPictures");

    String[] pictures = null;

    try {
        pictures = assetManager.list("photos");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.e("tag", "Failed to get asset file list.", e);
    for(String filename : pictures) {
        InputStream in = null;
        OutputStream out = null;
        try {
            in = assetManager.open("photos/"+filename);
            File outFile = new File(photosFolder, filename);
            out = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
            copyFile(in, out);
            in = null;
            out = null;
            new String[] { outFile.toString() }, null,
            new MediaScannerConnection.OnScanCompletedListener() {
        public void onScanCompleted(String path, Uri uri) {
            Log.i("ExternalStorage", "Scanned " + path + ":");
            Log.i("ExternalStorage", "-> uri=" + uri);
        } catch(IOException e) {
            Log.e("tag", "Failed to copy asset file: " + filename, e);

You can check the documentation here: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Environment.html#getExternalStoragePublicDirectory%28java.lang.String%29

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