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Connecting to multiple databases with arangodb

I'm building a product which requires creation of a new db dynamically for each project as a new team will create a new project depending on need. See image below. The backend is implemented with Node.js, Express.js, TypeScript and ArangoDB is the database used.

This is a product for enterprise server installation as well as SaaS.

How can I achieve the required architecture with mentioned technologies? Thanks for your ideas and examples, references. 在此处输入图片说明

ArangoDB JavaScript Driver folowing Modern JavaScript/TypeScript with async/await: you can manage a dynamic collection of new Database() instead of one const db . It can be a map with a key of the DB owner at each team and a value of Database object. Still joining data between two DB connections is not easy.

Quicksql is a SQL query product that can be used for specific datastore queries or multiple datastores correlated queries. It supports relational databases, non-relational databases, and even datastore which does not support SQL (such as Elasticsearch, Druid). In addition, a SQL query can join or union data from multiple datastores in Quicksql. For example, you can perform a unified SQL query on one situation that a part of data is stored on Elasticsearch, but the other part of data is stored on Hive. The most important is that QSQL is not dependent on any intermediate compute engine, users only need to focus on data and unified SQL grammar to finish statistics and analysis.

Yet some custom ArangoDB support is needed to use it with ArangoDB Java Driver .

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