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yo @microsoft/sharepoint fails on This generator (@microsoft/sharepoint:app) requires yeoman-environment at least 3.0.0, current version is 2.10.3

I have the following issue and I cannot fix it :

C:\project> yo @microsoft/sharepoint Error @microsoft/sharepoint

This generator (@microsoft/sharepoint:app) requires yeoman-environment at least 3.0.0,
current version is 2.10.3,
try reinstalling latest version of 'yo' or use '--ignore-version-check' option

I performed npm ls :
+-- @microsoft/generator-sharepoint@1.13.0
+-- gulp@3.9.1
+-- gulp-cli@2.3.0
+-- touch-cli@0.0.1
+-- typescript@4.4.4
+-- yeoman-environment@3.0.0
`-- yo@3.1.0

Could you please help me? thank you!

hello my name is Alex? i need an answer too ,i tried a lot of things to fix it, looked at different forums but nothing helped, I hope someone here will tell you, if the author you found the answer, please write it down.

也许您之前使用计算机的用户的“路径”有问题,清理 C:\\Users 中的模块,清除每个用户文件夹中文件用户中的节点 mdule。

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