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Expecting an 1x2 array but received a 2x2 array instead, in an Octave function

function N1d = shapeFn1d(gp1d)
  n1 = 0.5*(1-gp1d(1,1));
  n2 = 0.5*(1+gp1d(2,1));

  N1d = [n1, n2];   

gp1d is a 2x1 array and I was expecting N1d to be a 1x2 array but it comes out to be as 2x2 array and I don't know why. Can someone please help me.

This is my gp1d


This is the N1d that the program displays

[0.78868,   0.21132;
 0.21132,   0.78868];

This is the N1d I expected [ 0.78868, 0.78868 ];

Are you sure you don't have a typo somewhere? I copied and pasted your code and it seems fine, both in Octave and in Matlab:

>> system('cat shapeFn1d.m')
function N1d = shapeFn1d(gp1d)
  n1 = 0.5*(1-gp1d(1,1));
  n2 = 0.5*(1+gp1d(2,1));

  N1d = [n1, n2];
ans = 0
>> gp1d=[-0.57735; 0.57735];
>> shapeFn1d(gp1d)
ans =

   0.78868   0.78868


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