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How do I paginate my posts from firestore to my Javascript web app. Am not using any framework except Node.js server

Below is the code I have tried.Am really new to programming

var records_per_page = 4;
  var first = firebase.firestore().collection("Posts").limit(records_per_page);

        document.getElementById("post-container").innerHTML = '';
        snapshot.forEach(function (taskValue) {
            if(snapshot.size >= 1){
                        var lastVisible = "";
                        lastVisible = snapshot.docs[snapshot.docs.length-1];

But the code fetches the first and second four documents only. I have created a gist here to show both methods showMorePosts(records_per_page,lastVisible) and showPosts(records_per_page). Stackoverflow doesn't allow me to add a lot of code.


You can use offset to load the page

const records_per_page = 4;
const page = 2;
const first = firebase.firestore().collection("Posts")
                      .offset((page - 1) * records_per_page);

first.get().then(snapshot => {
  document.getElementById("post-container").innerHTML = '';
  snapshot.forEach(taskValue => {
    // You don't need this if condition. It's impossible that this condition evaluates to false
    // if (snapshot.size >= 1) {

      $("#next").click(() => {
        const lastVisible = "";
        lastVisible = snapshot.docs[snapshot.docs.length-1];
    // }

As mentioned by @jabaa, use offset to load a specific page. Look at an example below:

let query = firestore.collection('col').where('foo', '>', 42);

query.limit(10).offset(20).get().then(querySnapshot => {
  querySnapshot.forEach(documentSnapshot => {
    console.log(`Found document at ${documentSnapshot.ref.path}`);

Refer to the documentation on how to paginate a query. Here you can find the examples on query pagination.

I managed to create some sort of pagination so that when a person clicks next button, the next set of four posts replaces the former, continuously. However, am still figuring out on how to implement the previous button functionality so a person can load the previous sets of posts without having to refresh the page. I created a gist here . You can check it out for further progress and advise.

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