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Comparing two Collections with a field Mongodb

I have two collections with 15 millions plus results of ids and I would like to compare the two so that I can return a result set of cola that is not in colb

cola has 14.5 million documents and colb has 15.5 documents:

Example of cola

    "_id" : "123"
    "_id" : "45"

Example of colb

    "_id" : "123"
    "_id" : "456"
    "_id" : "4"

I would lke he results to be

    "_id" : "456"
    "_id" : "4"

Using $lookup hangs and using distinct errors out at too large 16mb. I have also used aggregate and $nin but because aggregate is always an object, $nin errors out as it expects an array.

Hangs and never finishes.

        $lookup: {
            from: "colb",
            localField: "ID",
            foreignField: "ID",
            as: "ID_match"
        $match: {
            $expr: {
                $eq: [ { "$size": "$ID_match" }, 0 ]

cyclic dependency detected

var a = db.cola.aggregate({$group: {_id: "$ClaimID"}});
db.cola.find({ID: {$nin: a}})

I also wrote a JS loop but looping through 15 million rows is not efficient.

What else are my options?

i think you have same problem like this link . you can use $lookup aggregation function to join two table and take some value what you need

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