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Netsuite: SuiteScript 2.0 - get latest transfer order

I am trying to add lines to a transfer order in Netsuite. I want to add them on the latest order created between two specific locations.

I am trying this:

    var s = search.create({
    type : search.Type.TRANSACTION,
    columns : ['internalid'],
    filters : [
    var resultSet = s.run();
    var latestTO = resultSet[0];

But I get this error when I try adding a line to latestTO:

{"type":"error.SuiteScriptError","name":"UNEXPECTED_ERROR","message":null,"stack":["anonymous(N/recordImpl)","onAction(/SuiteScripts/TEST.js:67)"],"cause":{"type":"internal error","code":"UNEXPECTED_ERROR","details":null,"userEvent":null,"stackTrace"

My script works if I "hardcode" the internalID of the latest transfer order.

Any ideas?

If you are trying to create a Saved Search to access Transfer Orders, you can use SORT BY function. You can sort using Date Created in descending order.


I would suggest you to create the Saved Search and test all your requirements. Later you can export this Saved Search as a script and use it in your code.

In order to get the latest Transfer Order value, you simply need to include InternalID column in your results tab.

columns : ['internalid']

Later, you'll have to execute this Saved Search using script.

var s = search.create({
    type : search.Type.TRANSACTION,
    columns : ['internalid'],
    filters : [

var searchResultCount = s.runPaged().count;
log.debug("s result count",searchResultCount);
   // .run().each has a limit of 4,000 results
   return true;

var searchResult = s.run().getRange({start:0,end:999});

Variable searchResultCount stores the total number of results

Variable searchResult contains all the data

In order to get recently created TO, simply fetch the first value.

for(var j=0;j<1;j++) {
    var latestTO = searchResult[j].getValue({name:'internalid'});;

Variable latestTO will now have the internalID. Use this to load the record.

Let me know in case of any issues in the comment section.

Another problem is if i hardcode my variabel latestTO, as:

var latestTO = '1337';

and make the update:

                            var TO = record.load({
                            type: 'transferOrder', 
                            id: latestTO,
                            isDynamic: true

Nothing happens.

But if I do:

                            var TO = record.load({
                            type: 'transferOrder', 
                            id: 1337,
                            isDynamic: true

It works...

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