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How to re-trigger a stage in a Jenkinsfile

I have a situation where in 2 Stages in a Jenkinsfile I have to do the following things:

  1. Push a Docker image to artifactory . This push is to a folder on artifactory where I cannot delete that pushed image easily (a lot of process is involved to get that deleted).
  2. Committing/ Merging changes to the master repo on GitLab , within the stage itself (and not through an MR).

These 2 stages are connected to each other ie if Stage 1 has executed, then Stage 2 has to be executed.

So, you can understand these 2 stages are critical as in, they are making almost permanent changes to main folders and repos.

  1. If Stage 1 fails (due to random flaky or connectivity issues), we want to re-run stage 1, and then continue with the job to stage 2
  2. Also if Stage 1 has been executed successfully, but Stage 2 has failed, then I only want to run Stage 2 again.

Can someone suggest what can be done for this?

For Declarative jobs, if you want to run stage 2 after stage 1 ran and the whole job failed, you can go to the specific build page and use the option "Restart From Stage". from here :

Once your Pipeline has completed, whether it succeeds or fails, you can go to the side panel for the run in the classic UI and click on "Restart from Stage".

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