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How to disable ripple effect on Navigation Bar Items in Jetpack Compose and Material Design 3?

I'm testing Material Design 3 in a Jetpack Compose project, I am aware that this is an alpha version and there is no specific property for everything yet.
The versions are Compose Material 3 1.0.0-alpha01 and Compose1.1.0-beta01 .

In a NavigationBar like the following, how to remove (or change the shape of) the ripple effect when clicking on an Item ?

var selectedItem by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
val items = listOf("Songs", "Artists", "Playlists")

NavigationBar {
    items.forEachIndexed { index, item ->
            icon = { Icon(Icons.Filled.Favorite, contentDescription = null) },
            label = { Text(item) },
            selected = selectedItem == index,
            onClick = { selectedItem = index }

Trying to add a Modifier with

modifier = Modifier.clickable(interactionSource = interactionSource,indication = null){}

both on the NavigationBar and on the NavigationBarItem , does not work.

You can do it by providing LocalRippleTheme :

    LocalRippleTheme provides ClearRippleTheme
) {
    NavigationBar {
        items.forEachIndexed { index, item ->
                icon = { Icon(Icons.Filled.Favorite, contentDescription = null) },
                label = { Text(item) },
                selected = selectedItem == index,
                onClick = { selectedItem = index }

ClearRippleTheme :

object ClearRippleTheme : RippleTheme {
    override fun defaultColor(): Color = Color.Transparent

    override fun rippleAlpha() = RippleAlpha(
        draggedAlpha = 0.0f,
        focusedAlpha = 0.0f,
        hoveredAlpha = 0.0f,
        pressedAlpha = 0.0f,

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