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Xamarin Shell use Contentview inside ShellContent

I have the following code in my AppShell.xaml

<Shell ....
    <TabBar Shell.TabBarUnselectedColor="Green" Shell.BackgroundColor="Gray" Shell.NavBarHasShadow="True" Shell.NavBarIsVisible="False">
        <ShellContent Title="WebView" Icon="icon_about.png" Route="LoginView" >

            <ShellContent Title="Listing" Icon="icon_about.png" Route="ListingView"  ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:ListingView}" />


Where LoginPage is / has to be a ContentView , because I need to display other Views inside of it.

But I can't figure out how to use a ContentView as ShellContent because every time i get a specified cast is not valid -exception. Is there any other way to use a ContentView inside ShellContent ?

Thanks in advance

A ShellContent object represents the ContentPage object for each FlyoutItem or Tab .

We can't set a ContentView inside ShellContent .

The only way is to place the LoginView into a ContentPage , and then use in ShellContent .

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