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Put permissions on a sheet when create a spreadsheet with Google API

I am using Google's Spreadsheets API in NodeJS and I know how I can create a Spreadsheet with the following code

const auth = new GoogleAuth({
    keyFile: 'src/credentials.json',
    scopes: "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets"

const client = await auth.getClient()

const googleSheets = google.sheets({version:"v4", auth: client})

let resource = {
    properties: {
        title: 'Test'

        fields: 'spreadsheetId'
    (err, spreadsheet) =>{
        if (err) {
        } else {

This returns the ID of the Spreadsheet and more information, but my problem is that as much as I have searched, I have not found how to give permissions to an email to access the Spreadsheet.

You will have to add google drive scope/permission in code while getting access token

const SCOPES = [

and then use following code after the code that you've already written.

const spreadsheetId = spreadsheet.data.spreadsheetId;

drive = await google.drive({ version: "v3", auth: client });
const res = await drive.permissions.create({
    resource: {
        type: "user",
        role: "commenter",
        emailAddress: "johnDoe@gmail.com",  // Please set the email address you want to give the permission.
    fileId: spreadsheetId,
    fields: "id",

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