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Sni endpoint error when adding domain (heroku)

I'm trying to add a custom domain name to my heroku app and I'm seemingly using the correct command to do this, at least according to heroku docs.

heroku domains:add domain.com -a heroku-app

But I'm getting the following error.

Error: Require params: sni_endpoint.
Error ID: invalid params

I was unable to find this error on google in relation to my case. I'd appreciate any assistance with this. Thanks!


Beginning October 31, 2020, API requests to the Domain Create endpoint will accept an additional sni_endpoint parameter. This is a new attribute that can either be:

  • A reference to a valid SNI endpoint or,
  • null if the domain should not be associated with an SNI endpoint.

On November 1, 2021, the API will respond with 422 errors if no sni_endpoint parameter is provided.

Their documentation and their error reporting is terrible.

Basically, as of Nov 1, 2021, you have to tack on the "--cert" parameter and provide the name of your cert (sni_endpoint).

So, first, manually look up your sni_endpoint(s) by running:

heroku domains --app your-app-name

This will provide of list of all of your current domains/subdomains and the sni_endpoint(s) for each of them.

Then, add your new subdomain with:

heroku domains:add yoursubdomain.yourdomain.com --app your-app-name --cert your_sni_endpoint_name

I solved the problem updating the heroku cli from 7.59.o to 7.59.2 .

In your terminal run: sudo npm update -g heroku

once updated, I run:

heroku domains:add www.YOURDOMAIN.com --app YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME


Domain www.myverygooddomain.com My Heroku app name: my-great-app Command: heroku domains:add www.myverygooddomain.com --app my-great-app

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