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Lotus script to move mass domino users mail databases from csv file

I need a lotus script for mass move of users mail files from one domino directory to another. I've found script for mass user deletion and just replaced method notesAdministrationProcess.DeleteUser with method noteID$ = notesAdministrationProcess .MoveMailUser ( username$ , newhomeserver$ , newhomeservermailpath$ ) , where is newhomeservermailpath$ - moved - directory which I previously created to move mail files from default mail folder mail . Domino console didn't report any error but script doesn't move user's mail files. What is missing? Am I doing something wrong?

Script code:

Sub Initialize

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db,addbk As NotesDatabase
Dim usrvw As NotesView
Dim Username As String
Dim movecounter As Integer

Dim nap As NotesAdministrationProcess
Dim FIleNumber As Integer
Dim Filename As String

Set nap = session.CreateAdministrationProcess("MyServer/myserverdomain")

Set db = session.CurrentDatabase   

Set addbk=session.GetDatabase("MyServer/myserverdomain","names.nsf",0)

Set usrvw=addbk.getview("$NamesFieldLookup")


Open fileName For Input As fileNumber%

On Error Resume Next

Do Until EOF(fileNumber%)
    Input #fileNumber%,Username
    Call nap.MoveMailUser(Username, MyServer/myserverdomain , moved)
    Print "Moved" & CStr(movecounter) "Users"

End Sub

There are -as stated in comments- some major problems with your code:

First: NEVER use "On Error Resume Next" except for expected single errors you want to suppress.

Your case is the best example: Your code fails because of non defined variables, but you will never get an error message because you suppress it: No chance of knowing where it went wrong.

Second: EVER add

Option Declare

to any code you write in LotusScript. There is even a Designer setting to do this automatically. This option would have checked if all variables you use are declared... and would have not even allowed you to save this code.

Third: The errors in code. You managed to produce 2 errors when changing one single line of code...

This is how it looks:

Call nap.MoveMailUser(Username, MyServer/myserverdomain , moved)

This is how it should look:

Call nap.MoveMailUser(Username, "MyServer/myserverdomain" , "moved")

Just look at the difference... I will not start to teach you basics about variables vs. string literals as these are the same for almost every programming language.

-off topic- One more thing: The way you approach business tasks is reckless at least but in any case very dangerous... You seem to copy some code from somewhere but even lack the very basics in coding. Seeing that you delete productive users and move productive mail databases I would be very concerned when I saw you doing this via "trial and error"... But this is just my point of view... -/end off topic-

If you do it in the Administrator client, moving a user's mailfile consist of several steps, see https://help.hcltechsw.com/domino/10.0.1/admn_moveamailfilefromoneservertoanother_r.html

  • Check mail server's access
  • Create new mail file replica
  • Add new mail file fields
  • Monitor new mail file fields
  • Replace mail file fields
  • (user has to login to Notes client, or you have to create AdminRequest programmatically)
  • Push changes to new mail server
  • Get mail file information for deletion
  • Approve mail file deletion

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