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maximize log likelihood function with R

So I wanted to maximize a likelihood function in order to get the estimation of four variables (a, b, c, sigma^2) with R but it doesnt work I dont know why. Here I am estimating for age 30,60, and 90. And for each age I truncate it with 30, so as you can see for age 30 the x become 0, for 60 it become 30 and so on. But the optimization wont work I dont know why; can somebody kindly help me?

d30 <- 2975.1
d60 <- 11456.38
d90 <- 2977.08
r30 <- 1531956.05
r60 <- 650404.58
r90 <- 9728.47
Logg <- function(a,b,c,s)
optim(c(0,0,0,0),Logg,control = list(fnscale=-1))

log-likelihood function


lambda definition

lambda 定义

mu definition


maybe this is because you try to numerically compute the factorial of very high number? For such high number R will just return infinty:

> d30<-2975.1
> factorial(d30)
[1] Inf

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