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How to remove the border of the MUI select component?

I want to customize the MUI Select component. Basically I just want to remove the border or rather the outline. I tried to override the styles, tried to use a NativeSelect and tried to use a customized InputBase with the Select as inputComponent but none of this worked. Any help would be much appreciated.

The border is applied to the label of the OutlinedInput component. Edit the css rule notchedOutline of the OutlinedInput component to remove the border. https://mui.com/api/outlined-input/#css

MUI exposes the disableUnderline prop in Select component. Just set it to true

I followed @Bar's answer : in my case I also had to reset the box-shadow applied over the Select .

For Material v5,

<Select sx={{ boxShadow: 'none', '.MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline': { border: 0 } }}>

无边框 MUI 选择的屏幕截图

What worked for me was to use

  • disableUnderline to remove the line below the selector
  • variant="standard" to get rid of borders, both when the selector is focused or not.

Setting '.MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline': { border: 0 } will only remove borders of a selector when not focused.

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