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Why doesn't the php.ini file change in laradock?

Installed docker, docker-compose and laradock. Changed settings in nginx and /etc/hosts. The site is open and the flight is normal. I just noticed that the error display does not work. Then I found out that it was necessary to register display_errors On in php.ini .

In my.env version of php 7.2 In laradock, in the file /home/serii/Web/laradock/php-fpm/php7.2.ini , changed the display_errors setting to On .

Then I run sudo docker-compose down and rebuild for php-fpm sudo docker-compose build worker php-fpm

Then sudo service apache2 stop && sudo docker-compose up -d nginx php-fpm mysql workspace

In workspace, php.ini is in /etc/php/7.2/cli/php.ini And there display_errors Off. Only for some reason php.ini in phpinfo () is located in a different path, but such path does not exist in workspace.


I've been rummaging in the.net for half a day and can't find a clear answer.

Thanks in advance.

Because the laravel.ini doesn't reload. you will find some configuration saved in laravel.ini you have to force recreate to reload it

docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --build php-fpm

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