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BIOS int 13h/AH=42 not reading disk or reading into right place in memory

I'm trying to get the BIOS to read in a little section from the disk and execute it. So far I have

; Boot sector if you didn't know. The entire purpose of this is to jump to protected mode setup (PMS)
%define ERR_LBA_NOT_FOUND    1
%define ERR_BIOS_WRITE       2

extern boot_sector_e
extern pms_s
extern pms_e
extern pms_number_of_blocks

section .boot
    ; Check if the BIOS supports LBA
    mov ah, 0x41
    mov bx, 0x55AA
    ; dl has already been set to the boot drive
    int 0x13
    ; Error handle
    mov al, ERR_LBA_NOT_FOUND
    jc boot_error

    ; If it does support LBA, we read in PMS to memory and start executing it
    mov ah, 0x42
    ; dl already set
    mov si, bios_lba_packet_s
    int 0x13
    mov al, ERR_BIOS_WRITE
    jc boot_error
    jmp pms_s
    ; Please note that this will overwrite and read extra from the disk. We don't know what this is however, we can just ignore it :)

    ; Misc
    db bios_lba_packet_e - bios_lba_packet_s ; Size
    db 0 ; Reserved
    dw pms_number_of_blocks
    dw boot_sector_e ; Offset of transfer buffer location
    dw 0x0 ; Section
    dq 0 ; Starting block. We have the ability to hardcode this because it's at the set position of one sector off (boot sector is 0)

    boot_error: ; Will just print out a upon error
        mov ah, 0x0E
        mov al, "a"
        int 0x10
        jmp $

section .boot-header
    dw 0xAA55 ; 55AA tells the BIOS that this is bootable (reversed because of endians)


section .pms
    mov ah, 0x0E
    mov al, "w"
    int 0x10

which is what I want to load in and will simply just print out "w" upon working

and I link that together with

    .boot ORG : {
        boot_sector_s = .;
        *( .boot );
    . += BIOS_BLOCK_SIZE - boot_header_size - boot_size;
    .boot-header : {
        *( .boot-header );
        boot_sector_e = .;
    .pms : {
        pms_s = .;
        *( .pms );
        pms_e = .;
/* Constants */
ORG = 0x7C00;

boot_size = SIZEOF( .boot );
boot_header_size = SIZEOF( .boot-header ); /* This has be defined after the .boot-header section has been defined (it's weird, I know) */
pms_number_of_blocks = ((pms_e - pms_s) + BIOS_BLOCK_SIZE) / BIOS_BLOCK_SIZE;

I've dumped out the memory and the loaded in section has not been found. I also checked the carry flags and they were not set. Could it have something to do with my final binary not having padding in order to make the section I want to load in be a full 512 bytes?

The fact that the InstallationCheck function 41h reported CF=0 does not mean everything.
You still need to verify that BX=AA55h to see if the IBM/MS INT 13 Extensions are indeed installed .
And check the SubsetSupportBitmap in CX . If bit 0 of CX is set then the ExtendedRead function 42h is supported .

 pms_number_of_blocks = ((pms_e - pms_s) + BIOS_BLOCK_SIZE) / BIOS_BLOCK_SIZE;

This will set your pms_number_of_blocks to just 1. You need to set the StartingAbsoluteBlockNumber to 1 instead of 0. (0 would be re-reading the boot sector.)

db 16
db 0
dw pms_number_of_blocks
dd 0:pms_s
dq 1

Could it have something to do with my final binary not having padding in order to make the section I want to load in be a full 512 bytes?

Go ahead and pad it! You should always do that anyway.

  • Strange to see "ERR_BIOS_WRITE" reported on a function that reads.

  • The BIOS.Teletype function 0Eh uses the BH DisplayPage parameter. Set it to 0.

     section .pms mov bh, 0 mov ax, 0x0E * 256 + "w" int 0x10 times (512 - 7) db 0
  • BIOS only passes you the bootdrive in the DL register. Nothing else! Don't trust any particular setting of the segment registers. Set DS=0 expressly.

  • Always setup a stack in a safe place. Here set it up beneath the bootsector:

     xor ax, ax mov ds, ax mov ss, ax mov sp, 0x7C00

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