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axios.post with formData always return empty


axios.post with formData always return empty object {}

code of react app

const UserSignup = () => {
  const signupUser = async (event) => {
    try {
      const formData = new FormData(document.getElementById('signupForm'));
      const res = await axios.post(

    } catch (error) {

  return (
      <h1>signup form</h1>
      <form onSubmit={signupUser} id="signupForm">
        email : <HTextInput name="email" />
        password :
        <HTextInput name="password" type="password" />
        passwordCheck :
        <HTextInput name="passwordCheck" type="password" />
        <Button type="submit">signup</Button>

I checked..

  • is formData key-values stored?

yes. I checked key-values by adding some codes like

const formData = new FormData(document.getElementById('signupForm'));

      // FormData key
      for (let key of formData.keys()) {

      // FormData value
      for (let value of formData.values()) {

      const res = await axios.post(

key-values printed in browser console

  • is backend(Nest.js) working well?

yes. I checked with postman and it works perfectly

postman screenshot

backend response(console.log(body))

waiting for some help thanks

尝试添加{headers: { "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data" }}作为axios.post()调用的第三个参数。

1. Test with postman

There's lot of body types like form-data , x-www-form-urlencoded ..

I found that

  • post data with form-data return empty {}


  • post data with x-www-form-urlencoded return what i expected like { email : "aa@google.com "}

problem was the way receiving formdata in backend(Nest.js)

2. use UseInterceptors

I add code in nest.js like


  @UseInterceptors(FileInterceptor('file')) // <-- this
createUser(@Body body: any) {

it work well i expected whether content-type is default( x-www-form-urlendcoed ) or multipart/form-data in React application

I can't exactly explain why this happened and work.

Can someone explain why?

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