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Azure AD B2C - How to see user's extensions

I followed the tutorial here to be able to ask user's consent and store it in the AD as custom extension (from what I did understood...)

The custom flow seems to work well (consents are asked during signup process) but then I want to verify them in the AD (and maybe delete them from the admin console for new tests) I did not found where I can see them...

I tried to retrieve them through MS Graph API explorer (I started in on my tenant on the URL https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer?tenant=xxxx.onmicrosoft.com ) and I try to call the endpoint https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/ae29dab2-...-f4d813ca6dec/extensions but I get no extensions back...

Am I doing things right ? Is there another way to verify what are the current user's custom extensions ?

I think those extensions are well stored, because when I try to login again with the same user, no consents is asked anymore...

Thanks in advance for your help!

Try https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users/UsersObjectId . It will return their extension attributes in the response.

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