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In React SharePoint WebPart what are the differences between using 'html-react-parser' & using 'dompurify eslint-plugin-risxss' to securely show HTML

I am trying to build a React.js SharePoint modern web part, which have the following capabilities:-

  1. Inside the Web Part settings page >> there are 2 fields named as "Who We Are" & "Our Value" which allow the user to enter HTML.

  2. The web part will render 2 buttons "Who We Are" & "Our Value" >> and when the user clicks on any button >> a Popup will be shown with the entered HTML code in step-1

Something as follow:-


But to be able to render HTML code as Rich-Text inside my Web Part, i have to use the dangerouslySetInnerHTML attribute inside the .tsx file. as follow:-

import * as React from 'react';
import { useId, useBoolean } from '@fluentui/react-hooks';
import {
} from '@fluentui/react';
import { IconButton, IButtonStyles } from '@fluentui/react/lib/Button';
export const MYModal2 = (myprops) => {
  const [isModalOpen, { setTrue: showModal, setFalse: hideModal }] = useBoolean(false);
  const [isPopup, setisPopup] = React.useState(true);
  const titleId = useId('title');
  React.useEffect(() => {
  }, [isPopup]);
  function ExitHandler() {
    setisPopup(current => !current)

  return (
        <div className={contentStyles.header}>
          <span id={titleId}>Modal Popup</span>
            ariaLabel="Close popup modal"
        <div  className={contentStyles.body}>
        <p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:myprops.OurValue}}>




const cancelIcon: IIconProps = { iconName: 'Cancel' };

const theme = getTheme();
const contentStyles = mergeStyleSets({
  container: {
    display: 'flex',
    flexFlow: 'column nowrap',
    alignItems: 'stretch',
  header: [
    // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
      flex: '1 1 auto',
      borderTop: '4px solid ${theme.palette.themePrimary}',
      color: theme.palette.neutralPrimary,
      display: 'flex',
      alignItems: 'center',
      fontWeight: FontWeights.semibold,
      padding: '12px 12px 14px 24px',
  body: {
    flex: '4 4 auto',
    padding: '0 24px 24px 24px',
    overflowY: 'hidden',
    selectors: {
      p: { margin: '14px 0' },
      'p:first-child': { marginTop: 0 },
      'p:last-child': { marginBottom: 0 },
const stackProps: Partial<IStackProps> = {
  horizontal: true,
  tokens: { childrenGap: 40 },
  styles: { root: { marginBottom: 20 } },
const iconButtonStyles: Partial<IButtonStyles> = {
  root: {
    color: theme.palette.neutralPrimary,
    marginLeft: 'auto',
    marginTop: '4px',
    marginRight: '2px',
  rootHovered: {
    color: theme.palette.neutralDark,

And to secure the dangerouslySetInnerHTML , i did the following steps :-

1- Inside my Node.Js CMD >> i run this command inside my project directory:-

npm install dompurify eslint-plugin-risxss

2- Then inside my above .tsx i made the following modifications:-

  • I added this import import { sanitize } from 'dompurify';
  • An I replaced this unsafe code <p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:myprops.OurValue}}></p> with this <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: sanitize(myprops.OurValue) }} />

So I have the following question:-

  1. Now my approach (of using sanitize(myprops.OurValue) will/should securely render HTML as Rich-Text inside the popup since i am using the sanitize function which is part of the dompurify eslint-plugin-risxss . but i read another approach which mentioned that to securely render HTML as Rich-Text inside the popup, we can use the html-react-parser package as follow {parse(myprops.OurValue)} . So what are the differences between using 'html-react-parser' & using 'dompurify eslint-plugin-risxss' to securely render an HTML code as Rich-Text inside the React web part's popup?

Here is my Full web part code:-

inside the MyModalPopupWebPart.ts:-

import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDom from 'react-dom';
import { Version } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library';
import {
} from '@microsoft/sp-property-pane';
import { BaseClientSideWebPart } from '@microsoft/sp-webpart-base';

import * as strings from 'MyModalPopupWebPartStrings';
import MyModalPopup from './components/MyModalPopup';
import { IMyModalPopupProps } from './components/IMyModalPopupProps';

export interface IMyModalPopupWebPartProps {
  description: string;
  WhoWeAre: string;

export default class MyModalPopupWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IMyModalPopupWebPartProps> {

  public render(): void {
    const element: React.ReactElement<IMyModalPopupProps> = React.createElement(
        description: this.properties.description,
        WhoWeAre: this.properties.WhoWeAre,
        OurValue: this.properties.OurValue

    ReactDom.render(element, this.domElement);

  protected onDispose(): void {

  protected get dataVersion(): Version {
    return Version.parse('1.0');

  protected getPropertyPaneConfiguration(): IPropertyPaneConfiguration {
    return {
      pages: [
          header: {
            description: strings.PropertyPaneDescription
          groups: [
              groupName: strings.BasicGroupName,
              groupFields: [
                PropertyPaneTextField('WhoWeAre', {
                  label: "who We Are",
    multiline: true
                PropertyPaneTextField('OurValue', {
                  label: "Our value"
                }), PropertyPaneTextField('description', {
                  label: "Description",
    multiline: true

inside the MyModalPopup.tsx:-

import * as React from 'react';
import { IMyModalPopupProps } from './IMyModalPopupProps';
import { DefaultButton } from '@fluentui/react/lib/Button';
import { MYModal } from './MYModal';
import { MYModal2 } from './MYModal2';

interface IPopupState {
  showModal: string;

export default class MyModalPopup extends React.Component<IMyModalPopupProps, IPopupState> {
  constructor(props: IMyModalPopupProps, state: IPopupState) {
    this.state = {
      showModal: ''
    this.handler = this.handler.bind(this);
    this.Buttonclick = this.Buttonclick.bind(this);
  handler() {
      showModal: ''
  private Buttonclick(e, whichModal) {

    this.setState({ showModal: whichModal });
  public render(): React.ReactElement<IMyModalPopupProps> {

    const { showModal } = this.state;

    return (

        <DefaultButton onClick={(e) => this.Buttonclick(e, 'our-value')} text="Our Value" />
        { showModal === 'our-value' && <MYModal2 OurValue={this.props.OurValue} myprops={this.state} handler={this.handler} />}

        <DefaultButton onClick={(e) => this.Buttonclick(e, 'who-we-are')} text="Who We Are" />
        { showModal === 'who-we-are' && <MYModal WhoWeAre={this.props.WhoWeAre} myprops={this.state} handler={this.handler} />}

Actually, html-react-parser returns ReactJs object, and its return type is like React.createElement or like type of called JSX.

Using DOMPurify.sanitize will return safe pure HTML elements which those are different to the object that html-react-parser returns. the risxss ESLint plugin will force you to use sanitizing with any kind of sanitize function or library, that I left an answer to your other question to how to Sanitize your string HTML .

Eventually , using sanitizing is better because is the html-react-parser will convert your string HTML to ReactJs object with some tiny changes that would be dangerous because it is possible to have some script of string HTML in the project and it maybe will be harmful it just remove the onclick or onload , etc, from HTML tags but sanitizing will remove all possible harmful tags. also sanitizing will receive configuration, which means you can have your own options for sanitizing.

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