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How do I make a Gtk button "highlighted"?

I notice that in many of the system dialogs on Ubuntu, there is a button (usually Open , Save , etc.) that is a different color than normal. But also, these buttons' colors change with the system theme; in Adwaita, they are blue. In Yaru, they are green. So no, I'm not asking how to set the background of a button to a specific color.

My question is, how do I make a button "highlighted" according to the current theme without having to manually set the color? Is it even possible to do this in Python? I've looked in Gtk , Gtk.Dialog , GtkSource , Gdk , GLib , and Pango , and found nothing. Ideally, the solution would work for any button, not just a button in a dialog.

You can use StyleContext to highlight widget. Gtk widgets such as Gtk.Button that inherits from Gtk.Widget can obtain its StyleContext by calling get_style_context . You can then add class (a str) to the context by calling add_class on it. gtk itself provides suggested-action and destructive-action . You can also define your own style class.

Below is an example using suggested aciton .

import gi

gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
from gi.repository import Gtk

win = Gtk.Window()

box = Gtk.Box()
button1 = Gtk.Button(label="button1")
button2 = Gtk.Button(label="button2")
box.pack_start(button1, True, True, 0)
box.pack_start(button2, True, True, 0)

button1_style_context = button1.get_style_context()

win.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)


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