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ansible dynamic inventory kubernetes

I am trying to use the kubernetes plugin in ansible to be able to use a dynamic inventory based on my k8 cluster. I have followed this doc https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/scenario_guides/kubernetes_scenarios/k8s_inventory.html however i keep getting a failed to parse error.

# ansible-inventory --list -i k8s.yaml
[WARNING]:  * Failed to parse /etc/ansible/k8s.yaml with ansible_collections.kubernetes.core.plugins.inventory.k8s plugin: Invalid value "kubernetes.core.k8s" for configuration option "plugin_type: inventory
plugin: ansible_collections.kubernetes.core.plugins.inventory.k8s setting: plugin ", valid values are: ['k8s']
[WARNING]: Unable to parse /etc/ansible/k8s.yaml as an inventory source
[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
    "_meta": {
        "hostvars": {}
    "all": {
        "children": [

extract from ansible.cfg

# egrep -i "\[inventory\]|kubernetes" ansible.cfg
enable_plugins = kubernetes.core.k8s


# cat k8s.yaml
plugin: kubernetes.core.k8s

The error suggests that kubernetes.core.k8s is an invalid value and that valid values are ['k8s'] . yet this is exactly whats in the documentation, I have tried all manor of altering the plugin name with no success.

Can anyone steer me on what i am missing here?

So I managed to get it working by editing /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ansible_collections/kubernetes/core/plugins/inventory/k8s.py it seems my version only listed k8s as a pluggin name, I replaced with, kubernetes.core.k8s and it worked

         description: token that ensures this is a source file for the 'k8s' plugin.
         required: True
         choices: ['kubernetes.core.k8s']

I did plan to raise it as a PR on the project but seems this was already updated several months back so I must have just had outdated files.


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