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Reindent minified Javascript with Sublime

Let's say you have an example.js file open in SublimeText:

function foo(bar){a=1;b=2;for(var i=0;i<100;i++){console.log(i);};}

How to automatically have an indented code with SublimeText? such as:

function foo(bar) {
    for (var i=0;i<100;i++) {

I tried Edit > Line > Reindent or CTRL+SHIFT+P Reindent but it does nothing on this code. Why?

How is this possible without a third-party package requiring node.js installed (such as HTML-CSS-JS Prettify )?

Since you don't want a Node.js server running just for formatting, and because it works really well for me, I'd recommend checking out JsFormat . I looked through the source , and the only .js files I could find are for testing -- everything else, including the underlying jsbeautifier library, is written in Python, so it'll run as a native plugin.

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