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Using React useRef() to apply focus to a TextArea inside a Popover when opened

I have an AntDesign Popover that contains a TextArea.

<Popover trigger="click" content={footnoteContent} title="Footnote" visible={footnotePopoverVisible} onVisibleChange={handleFootnoteVisibleChange} >
  ... a custom Button...

The const used for the content is as follows:

  const footnoteContent = (
    <Form form={form}>
      <Form.Item name={`${cellData.key}-fn`} initialValue={initialValue}>
        <Tooltip placement="left" title="Press Ctrl + Enter to close this window.">
          style={{ width: "300px" }}
          autoSize={{ minRows: 4 }}
          placeholder="Enter footnote"
          onBlur={() => save(cellData.key, form.getFieldValue(`${cellData.key}-fn`))}
          ref={ref => { inputRef.current = ref; }}

I understand there is a lot going on here. However, note that I have set autoFocus on, and as expected, the first time I open the Popover the TextArea does in fact get focus. However, any subsequent clicks to open that same Popover and the TextArea is no longer automatically getting focus. I investigated and discovered useRef() hooks should help.

So, near the top of my Functional Component I have declared:

const inputRef = useRef();

and note that within my TextArea I have set the ref as follows (following some examples I found online):

ref={ref => { inputRef.current = ref; }}

The popover code above has a call to a function onVisibleChange which points to this function:

  function handleFootnoteVisibleChange (visible) {
    if (visible) {
      if (inputRef.current) {

Which I hoped would just re-focus the text area when the popover is made visible. However, nothing seems to happen. When I inspect the session and check the console.log(inputRef.current); above, there seems to be a focus() function to call... yet nothing is happening.


With useRef , apply the ref direct to your input field.

const myRef = useRef();
<MyInput ref={myRef} ...

The method you showed is legacy ref assignment from class based components. useRef works different.

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