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How to prevent links from being spammed?

Currently some bots are spamming on my viber link posted on my static website with no backend integration. The link is a tag as <a href="some_viber_community_link">Join Our Viber Support</a> .

If I create a captcha and render the button only after successful validation, will it prevent spamming?

My basic concern is the link to the viber group will be stored in a variable in react state itself as string. Can that be accessed by the bot before rendering? If it can be accessed by scrapers/bots, then I should integrate a backend to fetch the link after successful captcha validation.

try to use the latest version google recpatcha it validated the access from the begining it's usufal in my websites

So I encrypted the link and handled decryption during onclick event. The bot is not able to read the link and my onclick works as expected

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