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Making a Git alias out of a working Git command... unsuccessful

I do have a command that works for showing the Git history of a file:

$ git show --oneline -s $(git rev-list HEAD -- 32-factures-creation.R)
0df507b9 Simplify SQL expression in 32-factures-creation.R
16f94a10 Update format of prsAnneeMois
f9a6cafb Update "Facturation à l'employeur"
74cb7d3e Add ISNULL conditions
29d4886c Add new key prsNbrJTad, and modify Excel sheet, screens and scripts
da3c94a1 Merge branch 'bugfix/87-fraction-horaire-sur-facture' into release/20.09

I'd like to make an alias out of it.

But if I'm using my alias:

file-history-f = "!f() { git show --oneline -s $(git rev-list HEAD -- $1); }; f"

then I just have one line outputted:

$ g file-history-f 32-factures-creation.R
f2e32231 (HEAD -> stgid-en-lecture-seule, origin/stgid-en-lecture-seule) Add stgIDReadOnly_vk

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong... The contents between the brackets is exactly what does work, when executed from the command line, with the file name being replaced by $1 ...

Any idea?

BTW, my other alias:

file-history-sh = !sh -c 'git show --oneline -s $(git rev-list HEAD -- $1)'

It does output everything , like a non-filtered log output:

$ g file-history-sh 32-factures-creation.R
f2e32231 (HEAD -> stgid-en-lecture-seule, origin/stgid-en-lecture-seule) Add stgIDReadOnly_vk
e89bc4b1 (origin/master, master) Revert "Rebuild wars"
907e500a Rebuild wars
b18b8eb6 Index amounts in DocuContratCFI
d5590007 Merge branch 'master' of https://bitbucket.org/.../...
6ccde740 Merge branch 'master' of https://bitbucket.org/.../...

You need to change the alias to this:

file-history-f = "!f() { git show --oneline -s $(git rev-list HEAD -- $0); }; f"

Note the $0 instead of $1 . That's because when you use the ! syntax in a Git alias, it gets invoked with sh -c , and with sh -c , the first argument is $0 , not $1 . This is a quirk of POSIX shell, and it applies here as well.

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