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Redis Error while writing bytes to the server. [tcp://]

I just started using redis to cache data and run queries. I have two functions, one for fetching the data, and another one for filtering the cached data. This is how my function for fetching data looks:

if (Auth::user()->access_level == 'Admin' || Auth::user()->access_level == 'Donor') {
    $clients_number = Cache::remember('all_clients_number', 21600, function () {
       return ClientPerformance::whereNotNull('actual_clients')->get();

    $all_clients_number = Cache::remember('all_clients_sum', 21600, function () use ($clients_number) {
      return $clients_number->sum('actual_clients');

} else if(Auth::user()->access_level == 'Partner') {
       $clients_number = Cache::remember('all_partner_clients_number', 21600, function () {
          return ClientPerformance::whereNotNull('actual_clients')
            ->where('partner_id', Auth::user()->partner_id)

     $all_clients_number = Cache::remember('all_partner_clients_sum', 21600, function () use ($clients_number) {
      return $clients_number->sum('actual_clients');

I have confirmed that my redis service is running and i changed the maximum memory limit in my php.ini file to be 4096.

This is how my function to filter the data looks like:

   $selected_counties = $request->counties;

   if (Auth::user()->access_level == 'Admin' || Auth::user()->access_level == 'Donor') {

            $all_clients_number = Cache::remember('all_clients_number', 21600, function () {
                return ClientPerformance::whereNotNull('actual_clients');
   } else if(Auth::user()->access_level == 'Partner') {
          $all_clients_number = Cache::remember('all_partner_clients_number', 21600, function () {
                return ClientPerformance::whereNotNull('actual_clients');

   if (!empty($selected_counties)) {
            $all_clients_number = $all_clients_number->where('county_id', $selected_counties);

   $data["all_clients_number"]        = $all_clients_number->sum('actual_clients');

Is it good practice to access the cached data from another function like this Cache::remember(key) and what could be the reason why i cant write anything to redis despite the fact that the data im caching is not that heavy.

Any advise or links to places i can read how to effectively access cached redit data will be appreciated. Thanks.

There are some workaround which can solve the issue this:

  • update the redis server to version 5 or 6
  • CONFIG SET maxmemory 0

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