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Get multiple documents from collection using nodejs and mongodb

Hi I have two mongodb collections. The first one returns json data (array) and with the output of this, I want to return documents that match.

When I run Console.log (req.bidder.myBids) I get the following output:


The productId has duplicates, I want to remove duplicates and then call a routine that finds all the products that match and output as json. So far I have this code that only outputs one document, but cant figure out how to add the array of productId's and then fetch all corresponding products.

        agencyId: agencyId, // this is always fixed 
        productId: productId // i need to add values of productId here (currently works for single value only)
    }).then(dbRes => { 


The $in operator is what you want. See the docs here: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/query/in/

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