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How To Trigger Button Click on Enter in JavaScript

The addEventListener on click is working but on event.keypress or event.code dont. I can't understand why? I tried to add key code, with and without "", tried to remove default, with indication of object length (inputLength() > 0 && event.code "Enter") etc.. still nothing. Can't find a solution in existent threads((.

var button = document.getElementById("enter");
var input = document.getElementById("userinput");
var ul = document.querySelector("ul");

function inputLength() {
    return input.value.length;

function createListElement() {
    var li = document.createElement("li");
    input.value = "";

button.addEventListener("click", function() {
    if (inputLength() > 0) {

button.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
    if (event.key === "Enter") {

For addEventListener, you may need a third argument false eg button.addEventListener("click",function(){blah},false);

button.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
  // Number 13 is the "Enter" key on the keyboard
  if (event.keyCode === 13) {
    // Cancel the default action, if needed
    //now do what you want to do.

I just want to say, that you should definetly use google more often. I was able to find the anwser after 1 google search. Anyways hope this helps.

I found the right way:

function addListAfterKeyPress(event) {
    if (inputLength() > 0 && event.key === "Enter") {

Try changing "keyup" to "keypress":

button.addEventListener("keypress", function(event) {
    if (event.key === "Enter") {

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