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Failure to run the Gulp task runner and error while running Gulp Command

I inside the folder where the project is located through the command:

npm i gulp gulp-sass sass --save-dev

I have installed Gulp, but when I want to run it with this command in vs.code terminal:


I get an error , I wanted to know what caused the error? On the system node js 14.1.0 & 16.13.0 and npm are already installed



The error message hints that gulp is not recognized as a command, I don't think this has anything to do with gulp-sass or sass specifically.

Option 1

Install gulp-cli globally:

npm i -g gulp-cli

glup-cli uses whichever version of gulp is installed in your package, and is the prefer way to run gulp.

Option 2

Run gulp directly from your node_modules/.bin folder with the npx command. npx is set up by npm, so there is no need to install any additional packages.

npx gulp

or, equivalently

npm exec gulp

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