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Azure Media Service Submit JobInputHttp from a private blob storage container

I want to submit a JobInputHttp from a private azure blob storage container but I keep getting an access denied error when Media Services tries to download the file.

My Azure Media Service account has a User Manage Identity which I have also assigned to the private blob storage account.

同一用户为 Azure-Media-Service 和 StorageACC 分配了管理标识

The whole thing works properly when I add a SAS key to the private blob storage URL when submitting the Job but I would like to avoid doing that.

Is this supposed to work or do I always need to pass a SAS key in the JobInputHttp Url?

This behavior is by design. The JobInputHttp is not 'aware' of Azure Storage as a special type of HTTP server. The JobInputHttp is meant to work with any web server, therefore the HTTP URL must be public.

Can you also please verify if the storage account is associated with managed identity in the “storage accounts” menu(in media services extension).

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