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How do I implement conditional rendering in a functional React component?

I want to implement conditional rendering in a functional React component. I don't know how to do this in a function.

I need the corresponding imported component to be rendered depending on the state.

I wrote this logic using the ternary operator and everything works, but this code is terrible and unreadable.

import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';

import Header from './header/header';
import Footer from './footer/footer';

// One of these components will be rendered between Header and Footer ↓
// Name of the component in the state (activeItem)

import Landing from './landing/landing';
import BookingManagement from './bookingManagement/BookingManagement';
import BookingTickets from './bookingTickets/bookingTickets';
import EnterProfile from './enterProfile/enterProfile';
import PersonalArea from './personalArea/personalArea';
import Register from './register/register';
import SearchResults from './searchResults/searchResults';
import ChoosePlace from './choosePlace/choosePlace';

function App() {
    const [activeItem, setActiveItem] = useState('landing');
     useEffect(() => {

  return (
          <Header changeMain={setActiveItem}/>
       {(activeItem=='landing' ? (
        <Landing changeMain={setActiveItem}/>
      ) : (
        {(activeItem=='bookingManagement' ? (
        <BookingManagement />
      ) : (
          {(activeItem=='bookingTickets' ? (
        <BookingTickets />
      ) : (
        {(activeItem=='enterProfile' ? (
                <EnterProfile />
              ) : (
          {(activeItem=='personalArea' ? (
                <PersonalArea />
              ) : (
           {(activeItem=='register' ? (
              ) : (
             {(activeItem=='searchResults' ? (
              ) : (

           {(activeItem=='choosePlace' ? (
                <ChoosePlace />
              ) : (
          <Footer changeMain={setActiveItem}/>

export default App;

I definitely need to implement this in the functional component, because I use hooks.

instead of {(activeItem=='landing'? ( ): ( <></> ))} go with {(activeItem=='landing' && )}

you can go with react-router implementation. Or if you want to handle the same in this component you can do similar like below

const getComponent = ()=>{
       return <Component1/>
      }else if(condition2){
       return <Component2/>
      return <DefaultComponent/>
 and inside the render return you can call that function like below

How about

const ComponentMap = {
  landing: Landing,
  bookingManagement: BookingManagement,
  bookingTickets: BookingTickets,
  enterProfile: EnterProfile,
  personalArea: PersonalArea,
  register: Register,
  searchResults: SearchResults,
  choosePlace: ChoosePlace

function App() {
  const [activeItem, setActiveItem] = useState("landing");

  useEffect(() => {

  const ActiveComponent = ComponentMap[activeItem] || React.Fragment;
  const ActiveComponentProps = {};
  if (activeItem === "landing") {
    ActiveComponentProps.changeMain = setActiveItem;
  return (
      <Header changeMain={setActiveItem} />
      <ActiveComponent {...ActiveComponentProps} />
      <Footer changeMain={setActiveItem} />

function App() {

const [activeItem, setActiveItem] = useState('landing');

const itemToComponent = [
  landing: {component: Landing},
  bookingManagement: {component: BookingManagement},
const Components = itemToComponent[activeItem].component

return (

  {<Components />}
      <Footer changeMain={setActiveItem}/>

); }

export default App;

You can create an object which wraps all your components and then use the correct component by using activeItem as the key:

    import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';

    import Header from './header/header';
    import Footer from './footer/footer';

    import Landing from './landing/landing';
    import BookingManagement from './bookingManagement/BookingManagement';
    import BookingTickets from './bookingTickets/bookingTickets';
    import EnterProfile from './enterProfile/enterProfile';
    import PersonalArea from './personalArea/personalArea';
    import Register from './register/register';
    import SearchResults from './searchResults/searchResults';
    import ChoosePlace from './choosePlace/choosePlace';

    const components = { Landing, BookingManagement, BookingTickets, EnterProfile, PersonalArea, Register, SearchResults, ChoosePlace };

    export default function App() {
      const [activeItem, setActiveItem] = useState("Landing");
      const ActiveItemComponent = components[activeItem];

      return (
          <Header changeMain={setActiveItem} />
          <ActiveItemComponent />
          <Footer changeMain={setActiveItem} />

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