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How to map a nullable enum to string in Mongo C# client

I've a document with a nullable enum like this:

public enum Gender

public class Person {
    public Gender? Gender { get; set;}

I'm using MongoDB C# Driver and has mapped the enum to be serialize as a string:

BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<Person>(map =>
    map.MapMember(x => x.Gender).SetSerializer(new EnumSerializer<Gender>(BsonType.String);

This works fine for non-nullable types, but failed for this nullable enum:

Value type of serializer is Gender and does not match member type System.Nullable`1[[Gender]]. (Parameter 'serializer')

How can I map a nullable enum to a string?

There is a special wrapper just for your case - NullableSerializer<T> . Use it like this:

BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<Person>(map =>
    map.MapMember(x => x.Gender).SetSerializer(new NullableSerializer<Gender>(new EnumSerializer<Gender>(BsonType.String)));

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