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How to insert php code into open tag in html with javascript?

I have an array which store some data. I want to create a option list by using javascript for loops. But I meet a problem, how do I insert the php code into the open tag? For example,

<option value="none">Please select your state</option>
<option value="Johor" <?php if($row['state'] === 'Johor') echo 'selected="selected"';?>>Johor</option>
<option value="Kedah" <?php if($row['state'] === 'Kedah') echo 'selected="selected"';?>>Kedah</option>

As you can see, there is php code included inside open tag. Below is the code that I am using.

function php_dropdown_state(){
    let select = document.getElementById("state");
    let options = ["Johor", "Kedah"];
    for(let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
        let opt = options[i];
        let elements = document.createElement("option");
        elements.innerHTML = "<?php if($row['state'] === '" + opt + "') echo 'selected=" + "selected" + "';?>";
        elements.textContent = opt;
        elements.value = opt;

But this code will give me this result.

<option value="Johor">Johor</option>
<option value="Kedah">Kedah</option>

the best is to transmit it in json, on an MVC architecture its must pass from the controller to the view, if we do this on a single page its must give:

let data = JSON.parse("<?= empty($row) ? "[]" : json_encode($row) ?>");

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