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Magento Banner Slider Not Loading All Images- Need to Flush Cache?

I updated my website's banner slider in Magento 2 today. I replaced existing images (fully working banner/slider) with lower-res images of the same dimensions. Now, only the first image is loading, and it is not sliding thru all of the images, nor showing arrows or pagination.

I have read to flush my cache. I am worried to do that because I do not have direct access to the code/files/server that my site is hosted on if something were to bug when I flush it. Is that a reasonable worry, or should I go ahead and flush it regardless? Flush the entire cache or just a specific cache type?

If you clear the entire cache it will affect the loading speed of your website. So instead of clearing the entire cache, you should clear the specific cache you want.

In Magento 2, a banner slider that is not loading all images could be caused by a few different issues. One of the common causes could be caching. Here are a few steps you can take to try to resolve the issue:

  • Flush Magento cache : In Magento 2, you can flush the cache by going to System -> Tools -> Cache Management in the admin panel and selecting Flush Magento Cache. This will clear any cached data that may be causing the issue.
  • Flush browser cache : Clearing your browser's cache can help ensure that the latest version of the images are being loaded.
  • Check your image paths : Make sure that the images being used in the banner slider are correctly referenced in the slider configuration, and that the images exist in the specified location.
  • Check for file permissions : Make sure that the images have the correct file permissions and that the web server has read access to the images.
  • Check the slider configuration : Verify the slider configuration to ensure that all the images are correctly added to it, and that the images have the right status.
  • Check for JavaScript errors : Open the browser's developer tools and check for any JavaScript errors that may be preventing the images from loading.

It's important to note that these are general steps and the cause of the problem could be specific to your implementation. By reviewing your code, config, and settings, and trying out the suggestions above, you should be able to identify and fix the problem.

Note : For the EE version, if you have tried with all the above steps and still have no success, please contact and submit a ticket to Adobe for the best support.

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