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Shopify admin api typescript

Does anyone know if Shopify provides typescript definitions for their admin API?

Specifically, I'm looking for types for Orders, Products, Variants.

I thought this package would include them but I'm not seeing them in there. https://github.com/Shopify/shopify-node-api

Both of these packages have TypeScript definitions.

Also, the "TS" icon next to the title in npmjs.com is an indicator for TS definition.



The type definitions for Orders, Products and Variants can be found here: https://github.com/Shopify/shopify-api-node/tree/main/src/rest-resources/2021-07

Alternatively, you can go to the docs at Shopify for the Order object for example https://shopify.dev/api/admin-rest/2022-07/resources/order#resource-object and paste the JSON into http://json2ts.com/ (or https://app.quicktype.io/ , which only generates 1 interface per type) to get a pretty accurate Typescript Representation.

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