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How can create a user in ArgoCD with apiKey access only?

I have a shell script in a container, that needs to access the ArgoCD API. The script asks the API for a token, and then uses this token to restart a deployment.

JSON=$(jq -c -n --arg username "$USER_NAME" --arg password "$PASSWORD" '$ARGS.named')
TOKEN=$(curl -k $ARGOCD_SERVER/api/v1/session -d "$JSON" | jq -r ".token")

curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
        -d "\"restart\"" \

This only seems to work when I have the login option enabled in my argo-cd-cm.yaml enabled.

  admin.enabled: "false"
  accounts.<service-user>: apiKey, login
  accounts.<service-user>.enabled: "true"

As I am using OIDC for regular users, I would not like this login option to be disabled.

Is there a way to specify an apiKey for a given user in the one of the configmaps?

Yep. This was our configuration (helm values) since 2 years.. Just to confirm

However, make sure to authorize him as well using rbacConfig as below:

    accounts.cibotuser: apiKey, login
    accounts.cibotuser.enabled: "true"

    policy.csv: |
      p, cibotuser, applications, get, */*,allow
      p, cibotuser, applications, sync, */*,allow

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