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Script error when Transform PO to Item Receipt Error

I'm new to suitescript, I've got a schedule script to Transform a PO to Item Receipt. Which needs to create a record on Subrecord on inventorydetail sub record, I get "USER_ERROR","message":"The total inventory detail quantity must be 1." - Not sure what I have done wrong. If i use the same code for a non stock and remove the sub record insert line and coding it works

   var csvPOId = 73586;
        var csvPOLocationId = 1;
        var csvPOQty = 1;
        var csvBinId = '';
        var csvSerialLot = '';
        var csvInvQty = 1;

        try {
            var itemReceiptRec = record.transform({
                fromType: record.Type.PURCHASE_ORDER,
                fromId: csvPOId,
                toType: record.Type.ITEM_RECEIPT,
                isDynamic: false
        } catch (e) {
                title: e.name,
                details: e.message

        // Get count - Sublist Lines
        var count = itemReceiptRec.getLineCount({
            sublistId: 'item'

        for (var i=0; i < count; i++) {

            // Item Sub List - Mark as Received
            var itemReceived = itemReceiptRec.getSublistValue({
                sublistId: 'item',
                fieldId: 'itemreceive',
                line: i

            // Location
                sublistId: 'item',
                fieldId: 'location',
                value: csvPOLocationId, // '11 - Central Main Warehouse',
                line: i
            // Quantity

                sublistId: 'item',
                fieldId: 'quantity',
                value: csvPOQty,
                line: i

            // Inventory Detail Sub Record [inventorydetail]

            var subrec = itemReceiptRec.getSublistSubrecord({
                sublistId: 'item',
                line: i,
                fieldId: 'inventorydetail'
                sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',
                line: 0
            // // Quantity - Mandatory
                sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',
                fieldId: 'quantity',
                line: 0,
                value: csvInvQty
        var itemRecID = itemReceiptRec.save({
            enableSourceing: true

            title: 'New Item Receipt Record',
            details: 'Internal ID ' + itemRecID

I guess the issue is with your way of setting the values.

Follow this logic (haven't included the subrecord logic)-

for(var j=0; j<count; j++) {

      sublistId: 'item',
      line: j

   var itemReceived = itemReceiptRec.getCurrentSublistValue({
                sublistId: 'item',
                fieldId: 'itemreceive',
                line: j

   // Location
        sublistId: 'item',
        fieldId: 'location',
        value: csvPOLocationId, // '11 - Central Main Warehouse',

   // Quantity
        sublistId: 'item',
        fieldId: 'quantity',
        value: csvPOQty,

   //Similarly add subrecord code logic
   //Notice I haven't used 'line' while setting sublist value
      sublistId: 'item'


Also change 'isDynamic' from false to true.

var itemReceiptRec = record.transform({
                fromType: record.Type.PURCHASE_ORDER,
                fromId: csvPOId,
                toType: record.Type.ITEM_RECEIPT,
                isDynamic: true

Let me know for any issues in comments below

You are not setting other things like binnumber or issueinventorynumber . Unless the item you are receiving needs to go to a bin or has an inbound serial or lot number then you likely don't need to do anything with the inventoryassignment sublist.

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