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how to send data in GET method from client side to server side - ajax

I'm trying to send two dates, start date and end date to return back between two dates, here is what i tried but doesnt work,

 $(document).ready(function(){ const date_inputs = new FormData(); $('#date_form').submit(function(e){ date_inputs.append('from',document.getElementById('from').value) date_inputs.append('to',document.getElementById('to').value) e.preventDefault(); }) console.log(date_inputs)//returns empty function dateTimePrices(){ $.ajax({ type:'GET', url:'/prices/dateTime/data', data:date_inputs, success:function(data){ const datetimes = data; spinner.setAttribute('hidden',true); var k = '<tbody>'; if(datetimes){ k+= '<tr>'; k+= '<td>' + datetimes["all_qnt"] + '</td>'; k+= '<td>' + datetimes['all_price'] + '</td>'; k+= '</tr>' }else{ k+= '<td class="p-2 text-xs border border-purple-900 md:text-base textpurple" colspan=2>not found</td>' } k+='</tbody>' document.getElementById('datetime_prices_list').innerHTML = k } }) } dateTimePrices(); })
 <form action="" method="GET" id="date_form"> <div class="col-11 p-1 mt-1 mx-auto text-center row rtl "> <p class="col-12 col-sm-6 mx-auto text-left row"> from <input type="date" class="form-control col-9 mr-1" name="from" id="from"> </p> <p class="col-12 col-sm-6 mx-auto text-right row"> to <input type="date" name="to" class="form-control col-9 mr-1" id="to"> </p> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-info >search</button> </div> </form>

i also tried this to create the dataForm, const date_inputs= (new Date(fromDate)).toUTCString(); but it say:

Property 'append' does not exist on type 'string'.ts(2339)

is there away to add date input into dataForm please

and here is my django view code

 def priceByDateTime(request):
   start = request.GET.get('from')
   end = request.GET.get('to')
   if start and end:
        datetimes = MyModel.objects.filter(invoice__created_at__range=(start,end)).annotate(
                (F('price')) - F('discount'),output_field=DecimalField(max_digits=20,decimal_places=3))
        datetimes = MyModel.objects.all().annotate(
                (F('price')) - F('discount'),output_field=DecimalField(max_digits=20,decimal_places=3))
return JsonResponse(datetimes,safe=False)

def queryTemplate(request):
    return render(request,'myapp/prices.html')

thank you in advance.. i very appreciate any idea...

I never worked with jquery, only pure js and ajax, so i will write a example in js and ajax

in your script tag in your template you will have something like

function filterDates() {
        const dateFrom = document.getElementById('from').value
        const dateTo = document.getElementById('to').value
        const request = new Request(`path_url?from=${dateFrom}&&to=${dateTo}&&`, {method: 'GET'})
        fetch(request, {
            method: 'GET',
            mode: 'same-origin'
            function (response) {
                if (response.status === 200) {
                } else {

Something i forgot to say about the formData, it maybe appers to be empty if you try to console.log(formData) but it can have data on it, i don't know why but it happened to me in the pass

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