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Highcharts Stockchart gui default line annotation color black

HighStockchart gui default line annotation color "black" . i need to change this color to "blue" color. when using dark theme in highstock chart its difficult to identify black color line. how can I change this color default to "blue" without manually changing it.


highstock GUI 默认注释颜色 黑色

You can set stroke for all annotations:

navigation: {
  annotationsOptions: {
    shapeOptions: {
      stroke: 'red'

or specify annotationsOptions only for segment :

navigation: {
  bindings: {
    segment: {
      annotationsOptions: {
        shapeOptions: {
          stroke: 'red'

Live demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/14qt9Le0/

API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/highstock/navigation.bindings.segment

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